What podcast apps do you use?What podcast appds do you use?

I’m thinking of switching apps from Overcast to something else.

The layout has changed and some bits work fine but others just are fiddley or don’t work.

I tried downcast but can’t seam to export my podcasts from overcast, as in I can’t find the setting.

Can someone help or let me know of what they use?

I’ve been using Castro and I really like it. There are a few issues with Voiceover, but the app is really usable.

I know this is boring, but I tend to just use Apple Podcasts. I don’t really have any issues with it. The only thing I’d like to do is be able to set different speeds for specific podcasts.

I did start switching to Overcast which does have that option. It’s also OK but I’m not convinced it is otherwise a big improvement on Apple Podcasts. I also tried Downcast which I didn’t really get on with.

I think I just use podcasts differently to everyone else. These apps all seem to be about setting up playlists and having a constant stream of things. Whereas I just like to have a look at what episodes there are and play one that I want to listen to. I think the layout of Apple Podcasts just works better for me.

I’ve not tried Castro yet.

I just think there are only so many features I really need. Maybe I’m just simple.

I’m the exact same way. I typically don’t listen to more than one podcast at once, so I like the way Apple podcast is laid out.

I have used Castro recently and I am a huge fan. They have even made more changes for accessibility in recent versions of the app.