Improvements to forum and app directory

Hi, I would like to see the following improvements:
1 be able to go by heading through the different apps.
2 be able to go by headings through the different forum topics.
3 be able to subscribe to email updates to a particular forum topic. Thanks.

Hi Denis,

On the app directory, Michael is still working on the design and layout of the app directory. Headings will come shortly as we work to build the site.

As far as the forums, you can navigate by heading for each category, but all of the topics are formatted in a table. We are using Discourse as the platform for the forum, and some of this is out of our control. However, we have found the forums to be more accessible on Mac, iOS and iPad OS. We are looking into how we can make this more accessible for all users.

For Notification options, you can change notification preferences for a category at the top of each one, and you can bookmark a topic if you would like. If you create a new topic or reply to a topic, you will get notified of future posts.

Thank you for your feedback and hope this helps.

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I would think down the road you would be able to get email notifications to a topic even if you don’t reply or start it. I would hope so. I realize this will take some time to build.