I can't delete my topics

If you’re going to make it so the modirators are the only ones that can delete topics then I’m going to have to delete my account as I really am not a fan of that way of doing things.

Others might not care that much, I don’t know, but I do, if it’s my data; then I should have the right to delete it.

I’ll see what you say but yeah, for me this isn’t something I can get behind.

I will look into this further, but a Google shows that you can delete topics if no one has replied to it. After that a staff member will need to remove the topic.

The topic is no longer just one user’s data when a reply is made on a topic, so that is why Discourse does this. I will have to find out if that can be changed. simply flag a topic if you feel it should be deleted.

Thanks for letting me know.

I do understand why it’s done that way, people like having what they’ve said online and it’s useful if you want to find a link but personally I don’t agree with it so will be looking into removing my account.

It’s nothing against anyone, I just like to have as much control over my data as i can.

Could you let me know how to delete my acount please.

Discourse says I need to go to preferences but I can’t find that on the website.

Again this is nothing against your team at all, I just prefer to have control over things. I completely understand that others may not feel the same way I do, after all; a person can just whisk a topic away at any time, but I think for me it has to do with my generalised anxiety, I’m not really sure though.

You would provably need to delete your account at iAccessibility.memberful.com login there and delete your account. This will delete your account everywhere.

Thanks, good luck with the site.

That didn’t work, there’s no delete option, please look into this as if I can’t delete my account you will be breaking EU law, it’s called the right to be forgotten.

What I can do is merge your content into another user, specifically the system user account so no one knows the owner. That will then delete your account. Is this acceptable?

Forums are archives of communications, and would not be fair to other users if specific topics just fall off the forum.

Are you deleteing your account because you had issues deleting posts?

I’ve been telling people you are here, it didn’t put them off! Wy not just relax Braddy boy?

Yeah, I’m just not a fan of the whole not being in control thing. If you’re okay with it, cool, but it’s not for me.

Honestly? No, not really, I don’t mind my posts still being up, that’s fine, but i would prefer to delete what I can from your hosts system like my email address.

Just merging them together doesn’t remove my email from their site.

Could you contact them and see what can be done?

Because honestly, the fact we can’t do this with a couple of button presses is silly, especially for a moddern day forum/website.

If you do that and can’t find anything within a week or so then I’ll take that option but please do try to contact them if you can.

I’d much rather my email stays off of the internet as much as possible.

The fact that this thread had to happen is silly to me, and that is as a person on the Internet, and not as an admin of this site.

I take everything we do here very seriously, and we are all trying to build something amazing, and it doesn’t happen overnight. This is a learning experience for everyone involved, but we will go ahead and merge your posts, and I can remove your account from Memberful, since you couldn’t find the close account option under settings at iaccessibility.memberful.com.

Also, it should be known that this process will remove all emails from any membership services we manage.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope everyone is enjoying the forums.

Also, I encourage anyone out there in the forums who has a question regarding their user account to use the DM feature with any of the staff, or to contact a staff member off of the forums to take care of any concerns, so it does not have to be a post here.

Thank you all, and please reach out if you have any questions.