So the thing’s started rolling out for a select few and we’ve got youtube videos of people trying to put it through its pases. But sadly every one of them is doing is exactly what ‘they’ used to do with Siri/alexa/google assistant in the old days. Noone’s so far bothered to test it with any of the interesting use-cases like Andy Lane’s ducks. So I was wondering if anyone’s got the advanced feature and if so, what do you make of it?
Apparently, no one has. I’ve been told I should use GPT4 to have pictures described. I’m still waiting for all the AI dust to settle before getting entangled with a service. It was a letdown that having the near-real-time activities of ducks in a pond described was some kind of test model only a select few would be able to use, and that might never be available, or that could be taken away as a feature.
Well, gemini has opened up gemini live, google's answer to open AI's advanced voice model completely. Anyone who has an android and has a subscription to google AI services or some such thing can access it.
I am still eagerly waiting for access to OpenAI’s advanced voice mode (or any new voices, actually), to integrate into PiccyBot. Let’s hope they will finally open it up.
Wait, does advance mode only refer to adding new voices to the application?
Not quite! Advanced Voice Mode, which OpenAI plans to roll out by the end of fall, is more than just adding new voices to your AI assistant. It’s a major upgrade that enhances how your AI interacts with voice-based tasks, including more natural, expressive, and customizable voice options.
I have a friend who recently got access to Advanced Voice Mode, and they’ve been experimenting with it. According to them, this mode doesn’t just change the voice— it significantly boosts the AI’s ability to understand context, respond dynamically, and maintain natural conversational flow. Think of it as a way to make your AI sound more human-like, with intonations and emotions that match the conversation’s tone.
So, while adding new voices is a part of the experience, the real power lies in how those voices interact and respond in a way that feels genuinely lifelike. It’s an exciting step forward, and I can’t wait for it to roll out more broadly!