Changes and promoting iaccessibility

Hi, first having ia this ia that is difficult. for example why not have just forums? All I have to do at that point is bring up my links list hit f for forums and press enter. Second how do you plan on spreading the word? Has anyone thought about going on living blindfully? Has anyone thought about doing an apple report card later in the year or early next year would be more like it?


I’m still exploring the site. It’s also still being set up.
It seems I need to open one of the threads on the home page to start getting an idea if there are new posts in any of the topics, but more important, to get the side bar button. That’s not on the home page, just some other menu. I keep having to open a thread to see if it has any new posts. I guess I could look for a different entry point, other than the home page, to check what’s new on the site.

  • Entering on the address I grabbed from going to the “Latest” link on the side bar seems to get me the information I’m looking for when I check the site.

I’m not sure exactly what you are describing, but if I get the gist you want the most quickest way to get to the forums and see if there is any new content. I get that. Me too. What I do is follow this link:
That page has some boxes with labels that include “Latest”, “New”, “Unread”). If there are any new stuff a parenthesis bracketed number shows after each of those. That combined, with the filtering capabilities makes for some efficient forum surfing IMO. Better than most forums I visit.

It is good to see people posting again. I haven’t seen any posts for days now, was that just me?

Ya, kind of slow. I posted in your thread though.

Hello everyone,

I have changed iA Forums to Forums on the main iAccessibility website at I hope this helps to find the forums on the site.