Avatar definition requires yet another service

I’m really tired of being directed to other apps & services just to get simple things done. Why require using another service just to define an avatar. How hard is it to just allow us to dowload an image? That has worked for ages.

Hi there, can you clarify as to what avatar service you’re referring to? Is it for this site? If so, then that’s the same one that is being used for WordPress and other places, so that is how many of these kinds of sites are set up these days.

When I go to create an avatar it only provides the option to do that through gravatar.com. Going there the process then requires you to create an account which also creates a wordpress account. Just a cascading set of unnecessary service account creations to do a simple thing like provide an avatar image. What I hear you saying is effectively, “get over it. that’s what everybody is doing these days.” Not your words, but that is the impression I’m left with.

Even though I don’t need an avitor, I agree, can’t you just add an upload image button?

From what I understand; you didn’t make this website on your own so if not then perhaps others can help and then if it’s not possible then at least you’ve tried your best.

Also, a spell checker would be nice.

So we went with Discourse as our forums as what we had before was not working with screen readers. WordPress and this site both use Gravatar as it is kind of the Internet standard. You can upload your avatar on their page, and it appears on every website with that email address as the login. That is why it is used here. It also keeps the same avatar if we start to use those at inaccessibility.net, so I feel like it would be pointless to re-invent the wheel if something can do this for us. We may look at some plugins for the system if that is what the community decides on.

Also, we will look at a spell check module. I am so used to iOS and macOS and didn’t know there wasn’t. LOL.

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Fair enough.

Yeah, I think a spellcheck addon would be nice but you’ll have to turn it on or off so that peple can decide if they want to use it.

Oh; just so you know; inaccessibility.net is already taken.