Any tips on navigating these forums with NVDA?

I’m trying to learn how to navigate this fourum using NVDA on Windows 10 in Edge. My normal exploration using tab, downarrow, p, n, t aren’t really affording me the same sort of navigation response as I get in other forums (e.g., reddit, Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I’m using NVDA, in Chrome. I’m getting about OK using H and Shift-H to move between Headings. I haven’t quite gotten a handle on the levels, but they seem OK.

The only other commands I am using are the Table-reading commands - Ctrl+Alt+ArorArrows key, Up/Down for lines and Left/Right for columns.


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I use the h and t keys a lot here too,along with the arrows.

the new post link is at the bottom of the page for each catigory just so you know.

I think it’s very accessible but I’ve noticed that when you create a new topic; it seams hard to get back to the main dot net site without typing it in, in other words; there’s no actual way to get back to the homepage.

Oh, there’s also shortcuts but I don’t use those that much, the only one i use is control enter.

When navigating through a list of topics in a forum, table navigation commands will definitely be your friend. Press T to move to the table containing the topics and hold down the control and alt keys along with arrows to quickly navigate by rows and columns. For example, once you’re in the Topics column, which is what I’m most interested in, hold down control and alt and keep pressing down arrow. I use JAWS as my primary screen reader but NVDA uses the same commands.

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Thanks for the pointer to the table commands. Very useful. I have been finding it challenging to navigate into the table. Often NVDA tells me there is no table present even though there is. I imagine it has something to do with me being in an odd place in the virtual document or I inadvertantly got in an odd mode.

Tom, I think I see the problem. With NVDA, when I press T to move to the beginning of the table, I have to press down arrow once to get to the first header, which is Topic. From there, pressing control+alt+down arrow allows me to navigate from one row to the next. With JAWS, as soon as I press T to move to the table my focus is in the table and I can then use table navigation commands. I’m not sure if that’s an NVDA thing or if there’s something unusual about the way this particular table is structured.

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This site’s forum is powered by discourse. Gnome project has also migrated to this platform almost two years ago.
Back in that time I have written an introductory post addressed to screen reader users.
I think the tips from that post are still valid today and except of the registration these tips also apply to this forum.
Feel free to take a look at the corresponding discussion at the gnome discourse.




I don’t use NVDA/Windows anymore, but didn’t it have a plug-in that gave it a table command type of mode, like JAWS, that let you use the arrow keys without having to hold down the control-alt modifiers?
I kind of get tired of alt-shift with Orca on these table-type forums, and sticky keys aren’t quite as convenient as a table mode command.