I’ve noticed that when looking at the site without signing in, NVDA jumps me back to the top of the page when using headings.
This is using the latest version of Firefox and NVDA.
I’ve noticed that when looking at the site without signing in, NVDA jumps me back to the top of the page when using headings.
This is using the latest version of Firefox and NVDA.
Can you give us some more context on what you are doing when you encounter this issue? We are using Discourse to provide these forums, so we may not be able to fix this directly, but we can report it.
Thank you for your feedback.
I can’t really, all I did was press h and wait for a couple of seconds and noticed it jumped me back to the top of the page.
I also noticed that it can be forced past if you tap h a couple times I think, but you’ll have to try it to see for yourself.